Thieme Dissector Volume 2

Abdomen and Lower Limb

Vishram Singh, G P Pal, S D Gangane, Sanjoy Sanyal


  • Auflage: 2 2022
  • Seitenanzahl: 324 S., 265 Abb., Paperback (Perfect Binding)
  • ISBN: 9789392819179
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 59,99* [D]

€ 61,70* [A]

Medientyp: Buch

Produktinformationen Thieme Dissector Volume 2

Thieme Dissector, Second Edition is a richly illustrated and detailed three-volume manual for guiding students and teachers in the dissection lab. It is enriched with intricate illustrations of the human anatomy created from the clinician’s perspective. These illustrations and the carefully researched and structured text elucidate the layer-by-layer dissection of each region of the human body in a stepwise manner.

The volumes have been created by renowned experts in the field: Dr. Vishram Singh, Dr. G. P. Pal, Dr. S. D. Gangane, and Dr. Sanjoy Sanyal. The text of the volumes flows lucidly through well-defined sections in each chapter. These sections have also been made visually distinct to aid access. The authors have aimed to make the reading of these volumes educative, interesting, and visually engaging.

Salient Features of the Second Edition

  • Updated videos: Provides access to more than 100 new videos on Thieme MedOne to facilitate learning, understanding, and comprehension. These videos enhance the scope of understanding the topic under discussion.
  • Dissection screenshots: Most relevant and duly labelled screenshots from the cadaveric dissection videos are presented at suitable places within the text to provide better insight into the steps of dissection.
  • Radiographs: Includes newly added radiographs to help broaden the gamut of interpretation of the anatomy.
  • New section: A new section on “Vertebral Column” has been added to Volume I for extensive coverage of the back region.

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Thieme Dissector

Thieme Dissector Volume 1
Vishram Singh, G P Pal, S D Gangane, Sanjoy Sanyal
Thieme Dissector Volume 3
Vishram Singh, G P Pal, S D Gangane, Sanjoy Sanyal

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