The Joy of Sustainable Eating

Hubert Hohler, Karl von Koerber


  • Auflage: 1 2013
  • Seitenanzahl: 164 S., 54 Abb., PDF
  • ISBN: 9783131724618
  • Medientyp:
  • Kopierschutz:
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 44,99* [D]

€ 44,99* [A]

Medientyp: E-Book (PDF)

Produktinformationen The Joy of Sustainable Eating

Did you ever wonder how "fresh" vegetables and fruits appear on your supermarket shelves all year round? Clearly, they have been grown, processed, and preserved in ways that we may not be fully aware of. Yet, it is crucially important - not only for your own and your family's health but also for the sustainability of the entire natural environment - that we know the facts about where our food comes from, how it gets to our table, and how each of us as individuals can improve the health and well-being of our planet.

Learn how to get started with this simple, informative guide, recognized by UNESCO as a "contribution for the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development".

  • The four dimensions of sustainable eating: healthy diet, harmony with the environment, social cooperation, and a fair economy
  • Over 100 easy-to-follow vegetarian and nonvegetarian recipes for cooking sustainably--with an emphasis on fresh, seasonal foods that are not only nutritious and tasty but also support the income of local farmers and producers
  • Tips for preparation and cooking that preserve the flavor and nutritional value of our foods
  • Important facts about organically grown foods
  • Guidance on where to find additional resources for a deeper understanding of some of the topics
  • Pointers for achieving sustainability in everyday life – switching to green energy; handling packaging, waste, and trash; saving energy in the kitchen; and more!

Complete with luscious photographs, The Joy of Sustainable Eating demonstrates the tremendous benefits of healthy, conscious, close-to-the-source eating--without sacrificing the pleasures of good food.

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