Diseases of the Nose, Sinuses, and Skull Base
Peter H. Hwang, David W. Kennedy, Richard Orlandi, Peter John Wormald
- Auflage: 2 2025
- Seitenanzahl: 1000 S., 1109 Abb., ePub
- ISBN: 9781638534136
- Medientyp:
- Kopierschutz:
- Sprache: Englisch
- Erscheinungstermin: 15.01.2025
The quintessential, authoritative, and reader-friendly rhinology reference
Rhinology: Diseases of the Nose, Sinuses, and Skull Base edited by distinguished clinicians Peter H. Hwang, David W. Kennedy, Richard R. Orlandi, and Peter John Wormald brings together the collective wisdom, experience, and vision of preeminent thought leaders in a comprehensive rhinology reference. With approximately 1,000 pages, this tome offers in-depth coverage of all core topics in the subspecialty of rhinology, ranging from rhinosinusitis to endoscopic skull base reconstruction and more. The updated resource reflects the significant growth in knowledge and understanding of anatomy, pathophysiology, medical therapies, surgical techniques, and technological innovations in rhinology that have occurred since the publication of the 2012 edition.
The second edition features a total of 69 chaptersâreflecting the evolving depth and breadth of the field. It encompasses the pathogenesis, current thinking, diagnosis, and management of chronic rhinosinusitis, the pathology and management of less common disorders, and the surgical techniques and postoperative management of skull base lesions and sinonasal tumors. Highlights include updated content on olfaction, new material on biologic therapies, enhanced coverage of office-based rhinologic procedures, and an updated section on endoscopic nasopharyngectomy.
Key Features
- Contributions from a who's who of renowned rhinology specialists and surgical experts from across the globe
- A total of 37 videos performed by surgical masters highlight the latest surgical innovations, including 16 that are new to this edition
- New, in-depth reviews of endoscopic transorbital surgery for skull base and orbital pathologies
- An expanded image library of about 1,000 images features illuminating illustrations by medical illustrator Christine Gralapp, alongside high-quality diagnostic and intraoperative imaging
This multimedia resource builds on the widely acclaimed first edition, providing otolaryngologists, rhinologists, and residents in training with detailed information regarding the management of sinusitis, rhinologic conditions, and oncologic disorders affecting this region.
This print book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on https://medone.thieme.com.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.
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