Neuroradiology Q&A for the Radiology Boards
- Auflage: 1 2023
- Seitenanzahl: 224 S., 228 Abb., Paperback (Perfect Binding)
- ISBN: 9781684205592
- Medientyp: Buch
- Sprache: Englisch
The quintessential case-based review to prep for and master ABR exams
The American Board of Radiology Core, Certifying, and Neuroradiology Subspecialty Exams test an individual's knowledge and understanding of anatomy, pathophysiology, and physics concepts important in diagnostic imaging. For many residents, fellows, and practicing radiologists, preparation for these exams involves several months to years of reading text, interpreting images, and answering countless questions. Neuroradiology Q&A for the Radiology Boards, edited by neuroradiologist Michael Iv, features contributions from other academic neuroradiologists at Stanford University who are passionate about education and paying it forward. The primary goals of this book are to help current and future generations of radiologists ace the neuroradiology section of these exams and improve their clinical skills.
The reader-friendly compilation of cases, questions, and answers reflects the invaluable insights of neuroradiologists who recently experienced the arduous journey of studying and sitting for the ABR exams. The book consists of a collection of 100 "standard difficulty" and "challenging" cases organized by the categories of brain, spine, and head and neck. A total 70 cases covering a wide range of brain conditions and diseases include 20 challenging cases. Spine and head and neck pathologies are represented by 15 cases each, both of which include 5 challenging cases. All of the cases illustrate specific pathologies and teaching points likely to be encountered on the exams and in the reading room.
Key Features
- Cases encompass every area of neuroradiology and cover the full age spectrum
- Consistently formatted cases feature two or three high-yield images, followed by three multiple choice questions that assess comprehension of imaging diagnosis, histopathology, and management
- Detailed explanations for correct and incorrect answers enhance understanding and acquisition of knowledge
This must-have study guide will help radiologists prepare for and ace the Core, Certifying, and/or Neuroradiology Subspecialty ABR exams and improve their clinical knowledge, which ultimately leads to improved patient care.
This print book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on
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