Imaging Anatomy

Text and Atlas Volume 2: Abdomen and Pelvis

Farhood Saremi, Damian Sanchez-Quintana, Hiro Kiyosue, Dakshesh Patel, Meng Law, R. Shane Tubbs


  • Auflage: 1 2023
  • Seitenanzahl: 678 S., 1612 Abb., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9781626239821
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 185,00* [D]

€ 190,20* [A]

Medientyp: Buch

Produktinformationen Imaging Anatomy

Unique anatomic atlas provides an indispensable virtual desk dissection experience

Normal imaging anatomy and variants, including diagnostic and surgical anatomy, are the cornerstones of radiologic knowledge. Imaging Anatomy: Text and Atlas Volume 2, Abdomen and Pelvis is the second in a series of four richly illustrated radiologic references edited by distinguished radiologist Farhood Saremi. The atlas is coedited by esteemed colleagues Damián Sánchez-Quintana, Hiro Kiyosue, Dakshesh B. Patel, Meng Law, and R. Shane Tubbs with contributions from an impressive cadre of international authors. Succinctly written text and superb images provide readers with a virtual, user-friendly dissection experience.

This exquisitely crafted atlas combines fundamental core anatomy principles with modern imaging and postprocessing methods to increase understanding of intricate anatomical features. Twenty-two concise chapters cover the abdominal wall, alimentary tract, liver, biliary system, pancreas, spleen, peritoneum, genitourinary system, pelvic floor, neurovasculature, and surface anatomy. Relevant anatomical components of the abdomen and pelvis are discussed, including musculature, arteries, veins, lymphatics, ducts, and innervation.

Key Highlights

  • High-quality cross-sectional multiplanar and volumetric color-coded CT, MRI, and angiography imaging techniques provide detailed insights on specific anatomy
  • Cross-sectional and topographic cadaveric views by internationally known anatomists coupled with more than 1,600 illustrations clearly elucidate difficult anatomical concepts
  • Consistently formatted chapters include an introduction, embryology, review of anatomy, discussion of anatomical variants, postsurgical anatomy, and congenital and acquired pathologies

This unique resource provides an excellent desk reference for differentiating normal versus pathologic anatomy. It is essential reading for medical students, radiology residents and veteran radiologists, internists, and general surgeons, as well as vascular and transplant surgeons.

This print book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on

Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.

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