Hair Transplantation
- Auflage: 6 2022
- Seitenanzahl: 700 S., 1188 Abb., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
- ISBN: 9781626236936
- Medientyp: Buch
- Sprache: Englisch
The definitive resource on leading-edge hair transplantation techniques from global experts!
This sixth edition of Hair Transplantation, edited by renowned surgeons Robin Unger and Ronald Shapiro and with contributions from innovators worldwide, builds on its longstanding reputation as the one trusted, unbiased, and acclaimed educational resource for state-of-the-art hair restoration techniques. Comprehensively updated with all the latest advances, the sixth edition includes full discussion of the pros and cons of various surgical and nonsurgical approaches, controversies, and evidence-based clinical pearls gleaned through hands-on expertise. It also covers important practice management topics such as proper training, instrumentation, and medico-legal issues.
A new section featuring 23 chapters dedicated to follicular unit extraction (FUE) covers the considerable improvements realized since the previous edition, including options for multiphasic automation, improved punch designs, and advanced instrumentation. Other additions to the text detail the expanded use of sharp and dull implanters for atraumatic hair graft placement, scalp micro-pigmentation (SMP), improved holding solutions, emerging cell and regenerative therapies, and much more.
Key Features
- Now in full color, more than 1,000 images enhance knowledge and enrich the educational experience
- Coverage of modern punch technology; improved methods of donor area evaluation and hair graft survival; innovative body, beard, non-shaven, and long hair FUE procedures; and other cutting-edge topics
- Updated information on hairline design techniques, transgender patients, cosmetic and reconstructive eyelash transplants, eyebrow transplants, and ethnic variations
- 118 accompanying surgical videos instruct the reader in all aspects of hair transplantation surgery
This is the must-have reference for hair restoration surgeons, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, and trainees in these fields, and is essential reading for physicians prepping for board exams.
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