Complications in Minimally Invasive Facial Rejuvenation

Prevention and Management

Paul J. Carniol, Mathew M. Avram, Jeremy A. Brauer


  • Auflage: 1 2021
  • Seitenanzahl: 244 S., 262 Abb., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9781684200139
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 134,99* [D]

€ 138,80* [A]

Medientyp: Buch

Produktinformationen Complications in Minimally Invasive Facial Rejuvenation

Expert guidance on minimizing and managing risks for a wide array of facial procedures

The demand for minimally invasive facial procedures has increased exponentially over the past 20 years. In fact, an AAFPRS survey estimated that 80% of cosmetic facial procedures performed by their surgeons in 2019 were minimally invasive. Given the vast number of patients and underqualified practitioners administering facial surgery treatments, complications and poor outcomes are a significant issue. Complications in Minimally Invasive Facial Rejuvenation: Prevention and Management by internationally prominent facial plastic surgeon Paul J. Carniol, renowned dermatologists Mathew M. Avram and Jeremy A. Brauer, and esteemed colleagues fills a gap in the literature.

Organized in five sections and 19 chapters, the book starts with discussions of appropriate patient selection, anesthesia considerations, relevant anatomy, and potentially toxic smoke plumes generated by laser treatments and electrocautery. Section two details fillers and fat transfers for volume restoration, neuromodulators to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, and deoxycholic acid to treat submental fat. Section three covers high-energy devices and procedures such as laser resurfacing, chemical peels, vascular and pigment laser and light sources, radiofrequency, and microneedling. The final two sections feature discussion of liposuction and cryolipolysis, followed by the minimally invasive procedures threadlifting, face and neck lifts, hair transplantation, and blepharoplasty.

Key Highlights

  • Important insights on avoidance and management of adverse complications such as diplopia, ptosis, deformities, and asymmetry, as well as potentially life-threatening cerebrovascular accidents, visual loss, skin loss, and infection
  • Extensive detailed illustrations and surgical photographs improve visual understanding of anatomical topography
  • High-quality videos enhance knowledge of surgical nuances, potential pitfalls, and preventive measures to avoid problems

This is an essential reference for dermatology, plastic surgery, and otolaryngology residents and fellows. Practitioners who specialize in cosmetic dermatology and facial plastic surgery will also find this an invaluable surgical companion.

This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on

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