Carpal Ligament Injuries and Instability

FESSH Instructional Course Book 2023

Fernando Corella, Carlos Heras-Palou, Riccardo Luchetti


  • Auflage: 1. Auflage 2023
  • Seitenanzahl: 296 S., 550 Abb., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9783132451896
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 149,99* [D]

€ 154,20* [A]

Medientyp: Buch

Produktinformationen Carpal Ligament Injuries and Instability

An up-to-date, instructional resource on open and arthroscopic management of wrist injuries

Major advances have been made in the field of wrist surgery, including the use of arthroscopy and better rehabilitation protocols. In addition, understanding of proprioception has changed conservative management, often preventing surgery. Nevertheless, the assessment and management of a myriad of wrist dysfunctions remains daunting, due in part to complicated anatomy and mechanics and a lack of high-quality prospective clinical studies. Carpal Ligament Injuries and Instability: FESSH Instructional Course Book 2023 edited by renowned hand surgeons Fernando Corella, Carlos Heras-Palou, and Riccardo Luchetti covers the investigation, diagnosis, staging, and management of ligament injuries and the latest open and arthroscopic techniques to treat carpal instabilities.

The first two sections lay a solid foundation, with eight chapters encompassing anatomy and biomechanics, clinical and arthroscopic examination of the wrist, and imaging. Section three includes 10 chapters on scapholunate injury and instability, with discussion of open and arthroscopic repair, reinforcement, reconstruction, and resection techniques. Section four features five chapters on lunotriquetral injury and instability, including acute and chronic open and arthroscopic injury management. Section five includes four chapters on extrinsic ligament injuries, from perilunate injuries to staging and treatment of nondissociative proximal row instability. The book concludes with a final section comprising two chapters on other types of injuries.

Key Highlights

  • An impressive group of renowned global experts describe new treatment algorithms and surgical techniques
  • Clinical pearls throughout the text provide guidance on preventing complications and improving outcomes
  • A wealth of high-quality operative photos, imaging scans, illustrations, and videos enhance understanding of impacted anatomy and techniques

This resource provides trainees, surgeons, and therapists with current thinking and up-to-date evidence-based treatment for wrist ligament injuries and carpal instabilities, with the goal of improved patient outcomes.

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