Atlas of Head and Neck Imaging

The Extracranial Head and Neck

Suresh Kumar Mukherji, Vincent Chong

  • Auflage: 1 2004
  • Seitenanzahl: 620 S., 451 Abb., PDF
  • ISBN: 9781604065251
  • Medientyp:
  • Kopierschutz:
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 154,99* [D]

€ 154,99* [A]

Produktinformationen Atlas of Head and Neck Imaging
Designed for easy use at the PACS station of viewbox, here is your right-hand tool and pictorial guide for locating, identifying, and accurately diagnosing lesions of the extracranial head and neck. This beautifully produced atlas employs the spaces concept of analysis, which helps radiologists directly visualize complex head and neck anatomy and pathology. With hundreds of high quality illustrations, this book makes the identification and localization of complex neck masses relatively simple. This book provides CT and MR examples for more than 200 different diseases of the suprahyoid and infrahyoid neck, as well as clear and concise information on the epidemiology, clinical findings, pathology, and treatment guidelines for each disease. Each space within the head and neck has its own separate section, with examples of the common pathology that arises in this area. A standard format consisting of "Epidemiology, Clinical Presentation, Pathology, Treatment, and Imaging Findings," allows quick and efficient access to well-structured subjects. This uniform organization streamlines research for radiologists at any level of training. Although well over 200 pathologies are included within this remarkable text, Atlas of Head and Neck Imaging focuses primarily on the suprahyoid and infrahyoid neck, providing exceptionally detailed information on the most challenging aspects of this field. Radiologists and radiation oncologists will find this visual text ideal as a quick anatomic reference and diagnostic tool. Radiology residents preparing for board exams and neuroradiology fellows and staff studying for the CAQ exam will also benefit from the wealth of information.

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