An Evidence-Based Approach to the Fingertip Diseases

J Terrence Jerome


  • Auflage: 1 2023
  • Seitenanzahl: 332 S., 525 Abb., Hardback (Thread Stitching)
  • ISBN: 9789392819360
  • Medientyp: Buch
  • Sprache: Englisch

€ 129,99* [D]

€ 133,70* [A]

Medientyp: Buch

Produktinformationen An Evidence-Based Approach to the Fingertip Diseases

An Evidence-Based Approach to the Fingertip Diseases is the first textbook written for all surgeons and physicians to help them understand normal fingertips’ anatomy, embryology, histopathology, and microbiology. The authors have written lucidly with illustrative diagrams and pictures to narrate the nuances of the fingertip and its pathology.

There are various studies and publications about fingertip injuries and amputations. The book editor J. Terrence Jose Jerome has written a chapter on surgical anatomy and classification of fingertip injuries. This chapter gives a clear understanding of amputations based on anatomical structures and assists in the treatment plan for surgeons.

Infections of the fingertip are a vital topic for learning and effective treatment. A chapter has been dedicated to discussing bacterial, fungal, and other infections of the fingertip. Surgical treatment of these infections in the subsequent chapter briefly discusses the principles, techniques, procedures, and outcomes. Chapters on the management of fingertip amputations comprises advanced state-of-the-art techniques and different reconstructive options for the surgeons to refresh and the aspirants to master from the beginning. The range of management includes conservative, reposition flaps, reconstructive flaps, microsurgery, and super microsurgery, and all components of the therapeutic armamentarium as the surgeon progresses to expert status. Dedicated chapters on thumb injuries, children’s fingertip anomalies and injuries, fractures, dislocations of the fingertip, benign and malignant tumors, connective tissue disorders, rehabilitation, splints, therapy, and medico-legal aspects of the fingertip precisely lend the book.

Special features

  • The book chapters have been contributed by authors from around the world, many of whom have pioneered the techniques they describe.
  • Surgical procedures are described in a step-by-step manner and illustrated in detail with high-quality photographs, illustrations, and videos.
  • The writing style is accessible with interactive and reader-friendly study in every chapter.

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